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Together to Help the World Better

The world may be big, but even small changes can make a major difference! Adopting a more sustainable and ethical lifestyle, being kind, and staying positive are key to changing the world around you. Wondering where to start? We’ve got it covered! Keep reading for tips to improving the planet, from the local to the global.

 As the dominant life form on this planet, it is our responsibility to protect the creatures that cannot protect themselves. Because of the way we currently live, many animals suffer and are even going extinct! If you want to improve conditions for animals, there are many ways you can help.[1]

  • Encourage and vote for legislation that protects animals.
  • Only buy products that do not contribute to animal abuse.
  • Donate to charities which help animals, such as the Humane Society, The Marine Mammal Center, or the Performing Animal Welfare Society. Donating to charity is a great way to change the world—even if it’s just a few dollars at a time. Identify causes that are meaningful to you (the environment? education? ending hunger? women’s rights?) and research organizations in your area or around the world that support those causes, and consider becoming a regular donor.
    • Short on cash? You don’t necessarily have to donate money. Some nonprofits accept educational materials, clothing, or other supplies. Call or email to ask what they need.
    • You could also volunteer or be part of fundraising efforts for charities that do good abroad. Run a half marathon or other fundraiser to raise funds for an international charity of your choice.

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